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Chrytatywna Choinka




Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Zwierząt GRUPA RATUJ

Dear Santa Claus,

Meow! Here is Tosia, the one with the plump mustache and her entire previous life reflected in her eyes.

I wanted to write to you because recently I started to believe in magic and dream. I think that a few more of my wishes may come true, so I will try to write to you and ask for help!

Well, life has brought me some turmoil, and not the happy kind at all. Let's be honest - I wouldn't like to dwell on the past, but let's be clear - I have been the mother of entire litters of kittens many times. The last one had as many as 8 pieces. I had to feed him with breast cancer, which hurt terribly! I will soon have surgery, after which I will finally stop suffering. Then, after recovery, I will have a chance for a normal life, a loving home and care. Fortunately, my youngest children got a ticket from fate. They all went to temporary homes, they are already cured, defleaed and dewormed and will have a completely different life than my current one. I can now focus on myself and my needs.

I would like to feel that something in my little life is permanent, that I have someone who loves me for who I am - not only because of how many kittens I can give birth to.

I also dream of a gift in the form of cans of grain-free food. Imagine what that is – a full bowl, just for me! After what I've been through, that's really all I want. Food and litter are the fulfillment of my desires.

If you want to help a good kitten like me, I promise I will be good! Don't forget, Santa Claus, that with every Christmas miracle, a little animal finds its happiness.
Your Tosia

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